ثـــانـــويــــــة الــعــقــيــد بــوقـــــــرة - الشلف
مرحبا بكم يا زائر

على الموقع التواصلي لثانوية العقيد بوقرة بالشلف

- الجزائر -

يمكنكم تصفح الموقع دون الحاجة للتسجيل.

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

ثـــانـــويــــــة الــعــقــيــد بــوقـــــــرة - الشلف
مرحبا بكم يا زائر

على الموقع التواصلي لثانوية العقيد بوقرة بالشلف

- الجزائر -

يمكنكم تصفح الموقع دون الحاجة للتسجيل.
ثـــانـــويــــــة الــعــقــيــد بــوقـــــــرة - الشلف
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

نتائج البحث

Rechercher بحث متقدم

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سحابة الكلمات الدلالية

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قم بحفض و مشاطرة الرابط ثـــانـــويــــــة الــعــقــيــد بــوقـــــــرة - الشلف على موقع حفض الصفحات

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Bac Blanc 2012 - Scientific Streams- Topic 2+Correction

اذهب الى الأسفل

Bac Blanc 2012 - Scientific Streams- Topic 2+Correction Empty Bac Blanc 2012 - Scientific Streams- Topic 2+Correction

مُساهمة من طرف SAADI الأربعاء مايو 09, 2012 4:24 pm


A fatty compound called cholesterol is one of the main substances involved in the formation of plaque. Cholesterol is found in many foods, including egg yolks, butter, and red meat. Eating both cholesterol and saturated fats seems to increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Most scientists recommend eating a diet low in overall fat, with cholesterol and saturated fats eaten most sparingly of all. They think that limiting the amount of fat eaten, especially saturated fat may also help people avoid certain types of cancer.
Eating a high-fat diet can contribute to excess consumption of calories which can lead to obesity. Obesity is overweight severe enough to pose a medical risk. People with obesity have an increased likelihood of many health problems, including diabetes, coronary artery disease, and a liver disorder called cirrhosis. In the United States, all processed foods must carry a label that states the amount of total cholesterol and saturated fat in a serving. This information is provided to help people control the amount of fat and calories in their diets.
People are advised not to let advertising influence the choice of the kind of food they want to eat. Many experts consider TV watching and TV advertisements a cause of overweight. They make people consume without thinking of their energy balance.
From: http//:www.yourfitness.com

I. Comprehension :
A)- The text above is about:
1- The causes and consequences of overweight.
2- Eating habits today.
3- Advertisements and obesity.
B)- Read the text and mark the statements below as “True” or “ False” .
1- Scientists advise people not to eat fat meat.
2- You can keep out cancer if you don’t eat fat.
3- Advertisements teach people to eat healthy food.
4- Obesity is an open door to diseases.
C)- Answer these questions according to the text.
1- What are the sources of cholesterol?
2- What is the cause of obesity?
3- Do people respect their energy balance?
D)- What do the underlined words refer to in the text?
a. They (§1) ................... b. This information (§2) ................
E)- Find in the text words whose definitions follow:
1- Limited variety of food that you eat to lose weight.
2- When a person becomes extremely fat.
II) – Text Exploration:
A)- Supply capitals and punctuation where necessary :
they said people should practice sports to keep fit
B)-Give the opposites of the following words keeping the same root :
Fair – Connect – Hopeful – Relevant
C)- Re-write sentence “B” so that it means the same as sentence “A”:
a. Eating a high-fat diet can cause obesity and other diseases .
b. Obesity and other diseases...................................................................
a. The amount of cholesterol in the blood increases because people eat saturated fats.
b. ...................................................because of .............................................
D)- Complete the following table :
Verb Noun Adjective
Consumption ………………
To corrupt ……………… ………………
……………… ……………… Productive

E)- Fill in the gaps with words from the following list :
Products , studies , labels , verified , action , complaints
Food manufacturers must ensure that their……are accurate and can be verified. Targeted surveillance……are carried out and…..about non-compliance are acted on.

F)- Classify the following words according to the number of their syllables:
Fat , advertise , consumption , obese
PART II : Choose either topic 1 or 2

Topic 1: One of your friends is already fat. In spite of this, s/he never stops her/his habit of eating between meals. Write a paragraph about the consequences of his bad eating habits and advise her/him to go on a diet.

Topic 2 : Use the following notes to build a paragraph on obesity and advertising.
- People watch too much TV
- TV shows many ads.
- Ads encourage people to eat fast food.
- Fast food unhealthy.
- People don’t practice sport.
- They become obese
- Obesity causes many illnesses


التخصص : لغة إنجليزية

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

Bac Blanc 2012 - Scientific Streams- Topic 2+Correction Empty رد: Bac Blanc 2012 - Scientific Streams- Topic 2+Correction

مُساهمة من طرف SAADI الأربعاء مايو 09, 2012 4:24 pm


التخصص : لغة إنجليزية

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة

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